
Wuthering Waves MMD|Hold Up|Cantarella #Cantarella #칸타렐라 #カンタレラ #WutheringWaves #명조 #鸣潮 #SHORTS

Music:Hold Up Model:库洛游戏/無名/Splinter_01 Stage:stage17 秦·城墙 by G_Wuuuuu Motion:Sukaretto Gonzales Camera:Sukaretto Gonzales MME:斯/ikeno/そぼろ/針金P/ARonisc/三金络合物/呉石 – English *Reprinting without the author’s authorization is prohibited* Hello! This video is sponsored by 「Bilibili」 creators. Also all videos in this channel have their creator’s ownerships. Please do not copy or re-upload without 「Bilibili」 creator’s permission. This video’s 「Bilibili」 Link:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DaRLYBEC1/ Original creator’s […]

Wuthering Waves MMD|極楽浄土|Cantarella #Cantarella #칸타렐라 #カンタレラ #WutheringWaves #명조 #鸣潮 #MMD

【Model】 鸣潮/无名/黑暗大帝贝利亚 【Motion】 yurie/永远赤红的幼月 【场景】 战双帕弥什/伍鹅 【渲染】 SAYN先生 – English *Reprinting without the author’s authorization is prohibited* Hello! This video is sponsored by 「Bilibili」 creators. Also all videos in this channel have their creator’s ownerships. Please do not copy or re-upload without 「Bilibili」 creator’s permission. This video’s 「Bilibili」 Link:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pq9UYnETc/ Original creator’s name:SAYN先生 And if you […]

Wuthering Waves MMD|White Horse|Cantarella #Cantarella #칸타렐라 #カンタレラ #WutheringWaves #명조 #鸣潮 #SHORTS

Bilibili creator「Baimi丶白米」have Patreon account for donation! 「Patreon」 Link:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=96265254 Bilibili creator「Baimi丶白米」making beautiful MMDs. Also this is not「Akashi」’s donation but only for Bilibili creator「Baimi丶白米」. Thank you for read and have a nice day! – English *Reprinting without the author’s authorization is prohibited* Hello! This video is sponsored by 「Bilibili」 creators. Also all videos in this channel have […]